The 2008/2009 Wheel of the Year Calendar is available NOW!


Reviews of the Wheel of the Year Calendar:


The Druid Network

"There are other pagan-orientated calendars available, but for my money this one is more functional and yet more beautiful than others I’ve seen.  "

See the full review at The Druid Network here


The Witchtower ~ Autumn Equinox/ Samhain 2008 - Review by Julia Oakmoon


"Designed and photographed by Stephen R Butler this calendar has a lovely, simple and easy to navigate layout. On the front cover is a diagram of the wheel of the year with elemental and astrological symbols over a peaceful photograph of the sun just peeking over the horizon under starry skies. The photographs are beautifully simple, not a maiden, mother, crone, horned
god or otherkin in sight, which is always a blessing.

The first page starts at 1 November 2008 which is a refreshing change for those who feel at odds with the calendars which they usually buy and which don't really have much relevance to the way their year runs. The page ends at 21 December - Winter Solstice - which of course means that page two starts on 22 December. Well, I thought, this is going to take a little
getting used to until I remembered that the 1st of the month usually passes me by completely unnoticed.

The pages are remarkably uncluttered whilst containing lots of useful information such as bank holidays, lunar phases and the point at which the new astrological sign kicks in, as well as a smaller Wheel of the Year in the bottom, right hand corner.

And so it continues, each page covering not a month but the period between festivals. I don't know whether any other calendar or diary follows this layout as I don't normally buy specifically pagan ones but I shall certainly enjoy trying this one out to see how it feels.

The Year Planner is set out in exactly the same way. Very simply with space to write all the goings on in our increasingly busy lives. I use wall planners to save myself that "oh bugger" moment when I turn the page over on the 3rd and realise that it was someone's birthday or dental appointment on the 1st.

Stephen donates £1 from every sale to Friends of the Earth so why not check out his website and, if you're happier with ferns and dandelions than fairies and thin women, get your calendar/wall planner from him and see how it works for you."


Pagan Dawn from the Pagan Federation (Samhain - Yule edition)







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